You Are Essential!

You are on this planet for a reason. You make it better. The desires burning in your heart have meaning. There is something this world needs that only YOU can do.

Regardless if you feel like you belong on this planet, you DO belong. And not only do you belong, but you are essential. Let's say you're an artist. You may think, well there's tons of artists out there and a lot are better than me. That may be true, but none of them ARE you. And none of them can be as good at being you as you can. You were created with unique and powerful abilities to connect with certain people, that no one else can. And without you, those people will miss out. Everyone needs someone. And someone needs you! Even if you have not met those "someones" yet. If you stay in this world, those "someones" will be blessed by you and you will be blessed by them.

So be yourself, and your tribe will find you. You will be a perfect match for them and them for you. I promise!!! It took me decades to discover who I was, and when I did, my tribe came into my life. But it will not take that long for you. Just believe you are worthy, you are loved, and you are ESSENTIAL. If you don't feel loved, then you are either believing a lie, or you just haven't met the One Who loves you unconditionally and is longing for you to meet.

Please know, there's an amazing place for you in this world, not only where you belong, but where you're needed and where you will effortlessly thrive. 

Love, Joy :)